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Wendy NZ

My name is Wendy, 59 years old, and currently very frustrated with the re-emergence of colitis symptoms just as I thought I had my life sorted and I could start doing things I enjoy, like travelling overseas and getting more involved in community projects and causes.

Homemade Juices and UC Proctitis

Intro: My name is Wendy, 59 years old, and currently very frustrated with the re-emergence of colitis symptoms just as I thought I had my life sorted and I could start doing things I enjoy, like traveling overseas and getting more involved in community projects and causes. Some more about me: I have had UC for 15 years and for the last three years or… Read More »Homemade Juices and UC Proctitis

Back From Holiday..:(

Introduction: I am 57 years old and have had ulcerative colitis for 12 years. I went into remission, almost completely free of symptoms, for the first time about six months ago but the UC recently returned. I live in New Zealand, luckily a fairly relaxed lifestyle, but financially and emotionally I need to work and the return of the UC was, to put it mildly,… Read More »Back From Holiday..:(