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The most popular posts that have been written on the iHaveUC site since it began in 2010. Of course all the stories are ulcerative colitis related, but sometimes they are full of comedy, humor, and all sorts of other interesting aspects we all should learn about.

Colonoscopy Results Video – How Is The Colon Really Doing?

WOW, IT’S ALMOST BEEN a week since I got my colon probed (the full colonoscopy not a sigmoidoscopy) and I just received the “go ahead” email from my doctor to post the video I recorded (he’s talking in most of it, and I’m sure some doctors wouldn’t like being on YouTube, but not my gastro), thanks Dr. Stollman on that, and thanks for doing such… Read More »Colonoscopy Results Video – How Is The Colon Really Doing?

Colonoscopy Prep – Are You Pumped For Yours?

FIRST OFF, for any newcomers to the site, I would like to apologize for the introduction you’re getting to iHaveUC, you’re gonna see a whole bunch of crazy stories on this site for sure, and I’m hoping you won’t see another like this from me for another 3-4 years. But for all you old-timers (Shelly, Peter and Bev) yes you are most definitely three of… Read More »Colonoscopy Prep – Are You Pumped For Yours?

Blake the New J-Poucher Just Kicked off the Pull Up Challenge

HOLY SHEEEEEET, I think it’s very fair to say I had NO IDEA what I was stepping into earlier this week, but Blake (who’s written several stories both before and after getting surgery) sure ain’t joking around.  If anybody here is down to get in on this physical challenge iHaveUC Style, jump on the train. Ain’t going to be easy to win it, and for… Read More »Blake the New J-Poucher Just Kicked off the Pull Up Challenge

Tents, Rivers, and Bears “OH MY” — VIDEO INCLUDED

A short video on what it’s like to be almost 4 years post UC diagnosis and still going strong doing the things that are fun. River rafting, camping, and all kinds of other things I thought were impossible when I was having colonoscopy scopes and bloodtests and you know what happening everyday…