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Sick of Colitis

Pam fullIntroduction:

Hi my name is Pam and I am 41 years old and had ulcerative colitis for little over a year now. Still on meds but doesn’t seem to get better yet… love this web site and want to learn more ways to get rid of this colitis?

Some more about me:

I live in New Hampshire, looking for new friends to talk to about this. Some one who has uc too maybe?? I am a good listener and friend to have ;)


my symptoms, pain,bleeding,running to the bathroom alot!! sometimes i cant make it to the bathroom ;( no fun!!

Sick of Colitis

I found out a little over a year ago I had uc ,didn’t know some one could have it for so long after seeing this web site. I love it and just wanna meet others and learn more and get rid of this colitis . I am a single mom and it’s so hard when you have lots to do with kids and you can’t leave the house because you’re always running to the bathroom ;( even when u do try sometimes and you have to run to find bathroom every 10 to 20 mins its just no fun and not being able to eat some thing can be hard!!!!!!!!!! I would like to know maybe some foods that might help me? like help me not run to the bathroom more or tummy pain? things to help it get better?? any info. will help thanks!!

Just looking for more info.? Anyone please reply and give me any info? ok thanks!

OK what does anyone know about stress making the colitis worse???

Do you know of any real good meds. for it because mine are not doing that good ..

and do you think why i am tired alot could be because of the uc???

I am new at all this i just need to know more ;) a cry for help i guess !!


yes i take 2 differant meds 7 pills a day…..still not better?

written by Pam