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Lialda medication which is a common ulcerative colitis drug

Moringa Anyone?

I’ll be 51 in 3 weeks, declared permanently disabled when I was 43 after 20+ years in emergency medicine, grandmother of 5 (2 in heaven 😞) no social life, autoimmune A.N.A. Now A-11. When you no longer “can do” you sometimes get forgotten about. No symptoms of UC currently, last flare was 10/2015, occasionally my IBS acts up but lots of issues with other health… Read More »Moringa Anyone?

UC and Me – Currently I am Symptom Free and Taking Lialda

Let’s give a round of applause for Chris, he has gone from being sick with colitis symptoms to doing real well and symptom free with the help of Lialda, a popular ulcerative colitis medications, also, he is an avid music guy…strumming the guitar for over 30 years, and of course a big thanks to him for sharing his experiences with us!

Faulty Immune System and Too Many Medications

I am in complete remission at this moment :)) – I love sharing projects with friends – arts and crafts, gardening, cooking, enjoy learning new things, being outside, and traveling to different places. I do get anxious about traveling because I often get a flare-up while traveling. Robin’s Story: Sorry Adam, but I am starting my story with my medications because in a way I… Read More »Faulty Immune System and Too Many Medications